Use the information below to :
Download technical documents/user manuals
Download certificates/ firmware updates, ….
Download Scan Product software
Technical questions
After sales service feedback
Where can I find the user guides and installation manuals ?
IFOTEC’s user manuals and installation manuals are included with every order. If you do not have these documents or if you simply wish to consult them to learn more about our products, you can download them via our download platform:
Where can I find the EU certificates for our products?
You can download them via our download platform:
Where can I find firmware updates and release notes?
You can download them via our download platform:
If you cannot find the instructions for your product, please contact the IFOTEC Sales Department: Tel. 00 33 (0) 4 76 67 53 53
IFOTEC products on your network
Scan Product Software
In order to view IFOTEC products on your network, please download the software below:
Download Scan Product
Technical questions
Please send your question by email here or contact us: Tel. 00 33 (0) 4 76 67 53 53.
Quality Returns
Your product is still under warranty
All materials supplied are guaranteed for a period of one to five years depending on the product type, this period being mentioned on the product data sheet. The guarantee is exercised according to an exchange principle or repair according to our general conditions of sale.
Your product is no longer under warranty
We do not assign an RMA number. You can send us directly the defective product accompanied by the SAV file (download below) explaining the problem and under what conditions.
Download SAV sheet (french version)
We thank you for including it with your package or for sending it to us at the email address below:
Return to IFOTEC Quality, write to us
According to our general conditions of sale, upon receipt of your product and in order to proceed to the repair evaluation, we will send you a quote for expertise expenses of an amount of 80 €. Your order for expertise will then allow us, after various tests, to define the possible dysfunction cause.
Once the expertise is done, we will send you a second quote for the actual repair costs.
Repair service adresse
ZAC de Champfeuillet Ouest
8 Route des Bois
38500 Voiron – FRANCE